shared kids' room (semi) final reveal (one room challenge week 6)

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And so we come to the end of another One Room Challenge. Or do we? If you’ve been around here for any bit of time, you may know a little about my general design philosophy. I’m not talking about aesthetics. I’m talking about the fact that – to modernize Albert Hadley – there is more to life than what one sees on social media.

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Now, don't get me wrong. I’m addicted to Instagram just like the next person. And I spend my fair share of time on Pinterest searching for the perfect wallpaper or rug or whatever. It's possible that I spend more than my fair amount of time doing both of those things. I was also pleased as punch to read the featured bloggers’ One Room Challenge reveals yesterday. Did you get a load of some of those transformations? I’ll happily go work in Melissa's office. And are you kidding me with Apartment 34's nursery to toddler room? While I'm on a roll (but after you finish reading here), do check out the guest participant transformations. Two lucky bloggers will be chosen by House Beautiful as featured designers for next round. Who are you pulling for (Daphne's nursery for me, please, but also digging this playroom)?

I digress. Can we have a minute of real life here? In real life, six weeks happens in a blink. Wait, I’m sorry. You have kids? Six weeks is half a blink. And since you have kids, you are well aware that life is generally not Pinterest perfect. Which means it is no surprise to you that we have arrived at our “final reveal” and it is so so so close to being ready but just not quite there.  


Whitney and Dusty have put an incredible amount of work into making this room kid friendly and still grown-up (and budget) attractive. Can we talk for just a minute about that dresser? A coat of paint (Sherwin Williams Window Pane), a little leg shave, and some knobs made a fabulous difference.


The closet has so much space that Whitney isn’t sure what to put in the dresser drawers. Let me remind you what the kids’ clothes looked like before. Yeah. Massive storage is always a plus in any kid’s room, especially in a shared kids’ room. W and C will be using that dresser daily before long.

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The kids’ toys were previously in the living room, but now the kids have a place to build and draw in their own room. The small table and poufs are perfectly sized for them and don’t take up so much space that they create a tripping hazard. Baskets on the repurposed shelves store toys at kid-level.

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C’s dollhouse is still easy to access at the end of the bunks. Books are ready for bedtime in each kid’s bed.


Simple changes, like removing the builder-grade light fixture and painting the room white, made a world of difference in this room. Adding a large rug that covers the beige carpet brings the colors of the dresser, bedding, and existing trim together.

Wall art and curtains have yet to arrive, and Whitney would really like to add a chalkboard wall near the door. You know this room will have toys on the floor in no time. But where is all the PJ Masks and princess stuff you ask? Would you believe that a stuffed doll for each kid was all it took to make the kids think their bedroom had a theme? I kid you not. Whitney mentioned the other day that they could have just put bunk beds in the room and the kids would have been ecstatic. Kids really are that easy to please. 

Honestly, though, if you ask the five and (almost) three year olds who live in this room, their room is just perfect. Whitney posted a photo on her private feed the other night of the two of them in their new bunkbed with the biggest grins on their faces. It made my heart smile. W and C could not be more excited about their new shared space. What difference does it make if their room isn’t going viral on Pinterest? Not one tiny bit of difference at all.


Interested in sources? Because this was a remote design project, we worked mostly thru Pinterest. Take a look at our pin board here