Posts in kids
five kid decorating don'ts (and what to do instead)

I spent several days last week living in a rainbow. The outside was absolutely amazing. So fun. My room was another story. Purple carpet, lime green walls/headboard and curtains, and my bathroom was orange with beige tile. I should have taken a picture of it to share with you but I knew it would be forever etched in my memory as a bad dream so I didn't even think to photograph it. 

The lime green and purple (as well as a keynote by Stacy London of What Not to Wear) got me thinking about good ideas gone bad. (Also, just a quick footnote from this design snob to whoever decorated those bathrooms: if you are going to go big, go big. For heaven’s sake, don’t leave the old brown tile and think it just works with an orange and purple bathroom.) This can happen to the best of us, for sure. Decorators are not immune. So let’s talk briefly about some decorating decisions we should try to avoid and what to do instead. 

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newsflash: not all girls want a pink bedroom

Last week while dropping my kids off at school, I discovered that there were new lines taped on the ground where kids stand in line to wait for the restrooms. Earth shattering news to start a post with, right? Stick with me. One line was pink and the other line was blue. Now, I may not have noticed or even taken issue with the pink and blue lines had it not been for the nearby sign on the wall, written in childish hand, that said “Stop Stereotypes”. 

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how to make a reading nook

It’s raining and cold outside today and all I want to do is curl up with a blanket and a good book. Do you remember the last time you actually did that? Me either. As much as I’m very squarely in the camp to stop the glorification of busy, I’m still guilty of completely over scheduling myself at all times. Don’t get me started on the over-programming that is our lives these days. I could write am entire blog series on my thoughts about over scheduling our kids, and of course, I continue to do it myself. “She really wants to play soccer and take karate and be in scouts and do book club and yoga. How can I make her chose when she’s just exploring her options?” It’s a sickness, I’m sure.

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kid stuff storage 101

The clutter of kids is unfathomable. The doll accessories, the Legos, the stuffed animals (oh, goodness, the stuffed animals!), the clothing, the school papers, the sports gear, the art projects… It’s enough to drive any parent mad. If only there was some way to contain the chaos.

Before you get all excited, I don’t have *the* magic answer here. My kids leave their socks in the middle of the floor and walk over them 30 times just like your kids. I do, however, have some tips to lessen the load. And let me get right to it by saying that my number one tip isn’t a decorating tip at all, but rather a way of life instilled in my husband by my mother-in-law that actually works: the old circular file is your best friend.

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The holidays are coming…are you ready?

Don’t you just want to throw something at me for even suggesting it’s time to think about the holidays? I almost walked out of Target a couple of weeks ago because I couldn’t bear to see the red and green everywhere. Then the holiday music channels started on the radio and it was enough to drive me over the edge.

I wasn’t always this way. In absolute truth, if there was a crazy cat lady equivalent for Christmas, it would be me. I grew up loving the anticipation of the season, the noise, the gatherings, the food… If you have been around here any length of time, you know I’ve written about our family Christmas history before. Somewhere along the way, when my step-kids were about the age that my twins are now, I lost the feeling for the season. The to-do lists were out of control. The gift wants were out of control. The people and the noise made me feel like the Grinch surveying Who-ville.

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what lights you up?

I dread being asked “What do you do?” There is something about this question that makes me want to crawl into a hole. The answer should be save the world or create world peace, but let’s be honest, the Nobel Prize team is not going to be knocking on my door any sooner than the Publisher’s Clearing House Sweepstakes team.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m thrilled to talk about design. I’m going to talk all about it in a minute here and you are going to want me to shut up (good thing you can always x out of this page). That thrill is because there are things about family living that turn me from normal to nerd in half a second. I am now lucky enough to be pursuing something that makes me tick, that keeps me awake at night in a positive way, that creates energy rather than sucking it…You know what I’m saying, right? If you don’t, let’s definitely talk about that.

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